Blake's 7 Quotes

Doctor: She's not yet well enough to submit to intensive questioning. She must have rest.
Travis: Yes, thank you very much indeed, Doctor, you are relieved of your responsibility for the prisoner. She is now the property ... the concern of the interrogation division.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: [Over communicator] Are you Awake?
Vila: No.
Avon: That's what I thought. It's very quiet here. If it should get noisy, I'll be in touch.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: It is frequently easier to trust those who have nothing to lose.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Cally: Blake will return...
Avon: You can bet your life on it. In fact, you've just bet both our lives on it.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Blake: You're quite sure about volunteering to stay?
Cally: Well, we must help these people.
Avon: Must we? Personally I don't care if their whole planet turns into a mushroom. I shall stay because I don't like an unsolved mystery.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: There's something else that has to happen before it all begins to come together.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: Where are Cally and Avon?
Blake: It's a long story.
Vila: Well, what's in the box?
Blake: That's an even longer story.
Vila: I like stories.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Cally: I thought you mistrusted instinct?
Avon: I do. So I am probably wrong.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Blake: on Travis: How do you demonstrate the death of a friend to a man who hasn't got any?

TV Show: Blake's 7
Blake: Have you got any better ideas?
Avon: As a matter of fact, no, I haven't.
Blake: Does that mean you agree?
Avon: Do I have a choice?
Blake: Yes.
Avon: Then I agree.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: Have you thought of another plan?
Avon: Yes. I'm going to get some sleep.
Vila: How can you sleep with all this happening?
Avon: With all what happening? Blake is sitting up in a tree, Travis is sitting up in another tree. Unless they're planning to throw nuts at one another, I don't see much of a fight developing before it gets light.
Gan: You're never involved, are you Avon? You ever cared for anyone?
Vila: Except yourself?
Avon: I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care, or, indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all. [Exits]
Vila: Was that an insult or did I miss something?
Cally: You missed something.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: Logic says we're dead.
Blake: Logic has never defined what dead is.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Blake: Avalon has started resistance movements in a dozen Federation planets.
Avon: Another idealist, poor but honest. I shall look forward to our meeting with eager anticipation.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Blake: Does it support any intelligent life?
Avon: Does The Liberator? [pause] There are creatures called "Subterrons". they live in caves, quite what that says for their intelligence I really wouldn't know.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Jenna: They don't like humanoids in general and in particular, homo sapiens.
Avon: That puts their intelligence beyond doubt.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: I'm finished. Staying with you requires a degree of stupidity of which I no longer feel capable.
Blake: No, you're just being modest.

TV Show: Blake's 7
(XK-72 has been destroyed by pursuit ships)
Avon: Say goodbye to one bolthole.
Blake: That wasn't funny, Avon.
Avon: It wasn't meant to be.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: I'm entitled to my opinion.
Avon: It is your assumption that we are entitled to it as well that is irritating.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: I don't want data, I want to know what's happening.
Zen: It will be necessary for you to make a personal investigation.
Vila: Oh, you're a big help. Personal investigation... Personal investigation... The next time Avon wants to make a personal investigation on how you work I shall make a personal point of handing him the instruments. Personally.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: First sign of trouble, we get out, right?
Jenna: Goes without saying.
Avon: I only wish it did.

TV Show: Blake's 7
(Vila fails to remove an explosive collar from Blake's neck)
Vila: I told you I couldn't do it!
Avon: I believed you all along.
Vila: Nobody can open it!
Avon: I thought you could open anything - that's always been one of your more modest claims.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Jenna: It could be an injured pilot.
Avon: It could be a trap.
Gan: It's not a very good one, then. We're suspicious of it already.
Avon: The test is not whether you are suspicious but whether you are caught.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: None of us showed conspicuous intelligence on this occasion.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: [To Avon] Including yourself, that's two people who think you're wonderful.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Avon: Probably.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Cally: Did she really think you were a god?
Avon: For a while.
Blake: How did it feel?
Avon: Don't you know?
Blake: Yes. I don't like the responsibility either.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon: [Hands Vila a gunbelt] Put that on.
Vila: But I can barely stand.
Avon: Then crawl, but put that on!

TV Show: Blake's 7
Avon(To Blake): I would quite like to have met this Zil of yours. It's not often that one comes across a philosophical flea.
Vila: That's the stuff that legends are made of!
Avon: …then again, perhaps they are not so uncommon.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: I hope you can trust him.
Avon: I told you, he's a friend of mine.
Vila: Yes, I always knew you had a friend. I used to say to people, "I bet Avon's got a friend...somewhere in the galaxy."
Avon: And you were right. That must be a novel experience for you.

TV Show: Blake's 7
Vila: Die? I can't do that!
Avon: I'm afraid you can. It's the one talent we all share, even you.

TV Show: Blake's 7