Avatar - The Last Airbender Quotes

(Sokka and Chong's group have been reunited with Aang and Katara outside the cave)
Katara: (to Sokka) Sokka, why is your forehead all red?
Chong: (to Katara and Sokka) Nobody react to what I'm about to tell you... (points to Aang in the background) I think that kid might be the Avatar!
Sokka: (slaps forehead, red mark gets bigger)

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Ty Lee: But I'm happy here, my aura has never been pinker!
Azula: (cocking an eyebrow) I'll take your word for it.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Mai: I thought you ran off and joined the circus? You said it was your calling.
Ty Lee: Well, Azula called a little louder.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Sokka: No! Bad Fire Nation baby!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Mai: (to Azula)Please tell me you're here to kill me.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Mai: [About Omashu.] There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Azula: The Avatar? My lucky day!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Zuko: We are not entertainers.
Iroh: Not professional anyway.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Iroh: (singing)
It's a long, long way to Ba-Sing-Se
But the girls in the city
They look so pretty--!
They kiss so sweet
That you really got to meet
The girls from Ba-Sing-Se--!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Katara: Sokka, you've got an elbow leech!
Sokka: Where? Where?
Katara: Where do you think?

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Due: I bet he tastes a lot like possum chicken.
Tho: You think everything tastes like possum chicken.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Sokka: (finding his stolen boomerang) Boomerang! You do always come back!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Aang: I said I would face justice, so I will. (spins Wheel of Punishment)
Spectator 1: (rooting) Come on, torture machine!
Old Man: Eaten by bears!
Spectator 2: Razor pit!
Katara: (worried) Community service! Please stop on community service.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Mayor Tong: (cowers) You! Avatar! Do something!
Aang: Gee, I'd love to help, but I'm supposed to be boiled in oil.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Aang: Ugh, what just happened?
Katara: Well uh, you sort of just...confessed.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Aang: What is this?
Mayor Tong: Our new festival food. Uncooked dough. May we eat and remember how on this day, the Avatar was NOT boiled in oil!
Katara: (picks up uncooked dough) Happy Avatar Day.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Sokka: This is, without question, the worst town we have ever been to.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Katara: (Sigh) This is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn't it?
Sokka: That's what I paid for.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: There it is!
(everybody looks to where Toph points, only to see nothing)
(everyone frowns at Toph)
Toph: That's what it will sound like when one of you spots it. (Waves hand repeatedly up and down in front of her face, reminding everybody that she's blind)

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
The Boulder: The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl.
Toph: Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder!
The Boulder: ...The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings and now he's ready to bury you in a rockalanche!
Toph: Whenever you're ready, the Pebble! (laughs evil-like)

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Aang:  ;;(to Toph) I don't really want to fight you. I want to talk to you.
Katara: Don't boo at him! *hits Sokka on the arm*

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: [Aang has just entered the ring] Do people really want to see two little girls fighting out here?

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: Somebody's a little light on his feet. What's your fighting name, the Fancy Dancer?

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
The Boulder: Listen up, Hippo! You may be big, but you ain't bad! THE BOULDER's gonna win this, in a landslide!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Sokka: You know, now I'm really glad I bought this bag. It matches the belt perfectly!
Katara: (sarcastically) That is a BIG relief!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: What're you doing here, Twinkle Toes?
Aang: How'd you know it was me?
Sokka: Don't answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!
Katara: You're the one whose bag matches his belt!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: Let him go. I beat you all before, I'll do it again!
The Boulder: The Boulder takes issue with that comment!

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Toph: Um, I'll take the belt back. [Sokka undoes it then throws it to Toph, but it hits her on the head and knocks her down] Oww!
Sokka: Sorry.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Zuko: (Gives dagger to Lee) Read the inscription.
Lee: Made in Earth Kingdom...
Zuko: The other one.
Lee: Never give up without a fight.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Soldier 1: Hey! Did you throw that egg?
Zuko: No.
Soldier 1: Did you see who did it?
Zuko: No.
Soldier 1: That egg had to've come from somewhere.
Zuko: Maybe a chicken flew over.

TV Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender