Atlantis - The Lost Empire Quotes

Audrey: Wow. Look at all those tattoos.
Cookie: Shoot. That ain't nothin'. Look here what I got.
Cookie: [lifts up shirt, grossing Audrey out]
Cookie: All 38 United States. Watch me make Rhode Island dance.
Cookie: [wiggles his belly]
Cookie: Go on, baby, dance. Dance.

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Audrey: Ah-ha. Two for flinching.

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
King Kashekim Nedakh: Your heart has softened, Kida. A thousand years ago, you would have slain them on sight.
Princess Kida: A thousand years ago, the streets were lit and our people did not have to scavange for food at the edge of a crumbling city!
King Kashekim Nedakh: The people are content.
Princess Kida: They don't know any better! We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.
King Kashekim Nedakh: Kida...
Princess Kida: If these outsiders can unlock the secrets of our past, perhaps we can save our future.
King Kashekim Nedakh: What they have to teach us, we have already learned.
Princess Kida: Our way of life is dying.
King Kashekim Nedakh: Our way of life is preserved. Kida, when you take the throne, you will understand.

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Mole: The volcano, she awakes!
Vinny: [waving a lit stick of dynamite] Hey, I had nothing to do with it.

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Preston B. Whitmore: Your grandad had a saying: A man's legacy is measured by the gifts he leaves his children. This journal is his gift to you. Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Princess Kida: You do swim, do you not?
Milo: Oh, I swim pretty girl... Pr-Pretty *good*, pretty good. Sw... Good. Swim good. Pretty good. I swim pretty good.

Movie: Atlantis - The Lost Empire