America - Freedom to Fascism Quotes

[from trailer]
Peter Gibbons (Tax Attorney): There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union. Period, end of argument. [from trailer]
Irwin Schiff (Author): Nobody can know what the law is, because the law is what the judges *say* the law is.

Movie: America - Freedom to Fascism
[from trailer]
G. Edward Griffin (Author, 'Creature From Jekyll Island'): Unfortunately, what is being sold to the American people today, as 'Americanism'... If you peel off the label, you'd find *so* much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting Communism, and Nazism, and Fascism.

Movie: America - Freedom to Fascism
[from trailer] Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author): The Federal Reserve is no more 'federal' than Federal Express. I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed -- I don't think anybody has.

Movie: America - Freedom to Fascism