A Reckoning Quotes

The Lone Man: I created the world! I created you! And you've got hell to pay!

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: Hold this thought. The last thing to go... is habit.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: A single sentence. A single sentence to break the silence. I'd even welcome words of hate. What I wouldn't give to just hear another voice. Just one. Just once.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: I didn't always live here. I move around. Fluid, shifting.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: Not for the first time, I have blood on my hands.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: [speaking to skull]A skeleton is a thin thing. A skeleton is a bony thing. A skeleton has no brain. He cannot think. He cannot blink. He has no lids with which to blink.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: Where am I? Is this a test?

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: Perhaps I'll let go tomorrow.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: I cannot deny her existence. I cannot deny her existence. We cannot deny her existence. I can't deny her existence.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: I didn't always live here. I move around. Shifting. Fluid.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: I remember friends. I have new friends now.

Movie: A Reckoning
The Lone Man: Not for the first, I have blood on my hands.

Movie: A Reckoning