400 Days Quotes

[first lines] Correctional Officer: Cooper, Theo. Time to go.
Cell Mate: Hey bro, You got any more of those smokes?
Theo: [tosses him the whole pack]Quitting anyway.

Movie: 400 Days
Emily: What is your current mood?
Theo: Tired... and a little hung over.
Emily: Tired and hung over aren't moods, I need something like happy, sad, depressed... angry.
Theo: Depressed. Angry... and confused.

Movie: 400 Days
[last lines] Walter: [appearing on the on screen]Congratulations. You made it. I know the voyage was brought with difficulties and surprises. I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart how proud I am of you. Thank you, honestly, again, from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, there's a lot of people out here who are anxious to say hello to you. To thank you just like me, so... Let's come on out of there, and let's call this mission done.

Movie: 400 Days