Zulu Dawn Quotes

Boy Pullen: You afeared of the Zulus then, Quartermaster?
QSM Bloomfield: One Zulu is only one man... and I'm afeared of no one man... but the Zulu, they come in the thousands... like a black wave of death... in the thousands... and them assegais... stabbing!

Movie: Zulu Dawn
General Lord Chelmsford: For a savage, as for a child, chastisement is sometimes a kindness.
Sir Henry Bartle Frere: Let us hope, General, that this will be the final solution to the Zulu problem.

Movie: Zulu Dawn
[Durnford is questioning Lt Vereker on scouting reports around the camp]
Lt. Col. Pulleine: His Lordship is of the cetain opinion that it's far too difficult an approach to be chosen by the Zulu command.
Col. Durnford: Yes well... difficulty never deterred a Zulu commander.

Movie: Zulu Dawn
[on the death of his young assistant from friendly fire]
Corporal Storey: Oh no! Come all this bloody way to get shot by a bullet from Birmingham? Shoot straight you bastards!

Movie: Zulu Dawn