Wreck-It Ralph Quotes

Wreck-It Ralph: It's not my fault one of your children of the candy corn stole my medal.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Vanellope von Schweetz: [showing off her home in Diet Cola Mountain]Welcome to my home! I sleep in these candy wrappers [drifting into a sweet, syrupy voice]
Vanellope von Schweetz: and I bundle myself up like a little homeless lady.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[Ralph is brought to Candy's castle]King Candy: Milk my Duds! It's Wreck-It Ralph!
Wreck-It Ralph: Yeah. Who are you, the guy that makes the donuts?
King Candy: [laughs]Oh, please. No, I'm King Candy!
Wreck-It Ralph: [looks around]I see you're a fan of pink.
King Candy: Salmon! Salmon, that's obviously salm... what are you doing here?

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[from trailer]Fix-It Felix: Ralph abandoned his game!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[from trailer]Wreck-It Ralph: Everything changes, NOW! [runs]

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[from trailer]Wreck-It Ralph: I'm not leaving you here alone!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[repeated Line]Turbo: Turbo-Tastic!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph: [takes Calhoun's hoverboard]Let me borrow this, lady! [to Vanellope]
Wreck-It Ralph: Stay with Felix!
Vanellope von Schweetz: Ralph, where are you going?
Wreck-It Ralph: I've got some wrecking to do!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
King Candy: [to Wreck-It Ralph]Is that a threat I smell? Whooo... beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Moppet Girl: [trying to play Fix-It Felix, Jr.]Mr. Litwak!
Mr. Litwak: What's the matter, sweetheart?
Moppet Girl: The game's busted.
Mr. Litwak: [looks]Hmm, looks like the game's gone cuckoo... like my nana. Here's your quarter back, darling.
Moppet Girl: But what about the game?
Mr. Litwak: I'll have somebody come and look at it tomorrow. But if he can't fix it, then it may be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture... like my nana.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Surge Protector: Yeah, he banged around in here like some kind of hot shot, then he went barreling down into that sweet little game like a crazy person.
Sergeant Calhoun: Sugar Rush. Cy-Bugs would chew up that game faster than a chickenhawk in a coop of crippled roosters.
Fix-It Felix: What was that now?
Sergeant Calhoun: What are you, thick? There was a Cy-Bug on that shuttle! [Felix looks at her blankly]
Sergeant Calhoun: Do you even know what a Cy-Bug is?
Fix-It Felix: I can't say that I do, ma'am.
Sergeant Calhoun: Cy-Bugs are like a virus. They don't know they're in a game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply. Without a beacon to stop them, they'll consume Sugar Rush. But do you think they'll stop there?
Fix-It Felix: Yes!
Sergeant Calhoun: Wrong! Viruses do not stop! Once those Cy-Bugs finish off Sugar Rush, they'll invade every other game until this arcade is nothing but a smoking husk of forgotten dreams. Kohut, my cruiser!
Fix-It Felix: Jeepers! Is she always this intense?
Kohut: It's not her fault. She's programmed with the most tragic backstory ever. The one day she didn't do a perimeter check, her wedding day.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Fix-It Felix: [after Ralph abandoned the game]Everyone calm down. Ralph probably fell asleep in the washroom of Tapper's again. [a tram pulls up]
Fix-It Felix: See, here he is now. [Q*Bert hops out]
Fix-It Felix: Why, it's Q*Bert! What brings you here, neighbor?
Q*Bert: $;&?@

Gene: What's he saying, Felix?
Fix-It Felix: Stand by. My Q*Bert-ese is a little rusty. [Felix and Q*Bert exchange rounds of Q*Bert-ese]
Fix-It Felix: Ralph's gone Turbo?

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
King Candy: Stop in the name of the king!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[from trailer]Sergeant Calhoun: Who in the holy hot cakes are YOU?

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
King Candy: And if I ever see you here again, Wreck-It Ralph, I'll lock you in my Fungeon!
Wreck-It Ralph: Fungeon?
King Candy: Fun-Dungeon. It's a play on words. Get it? [Ralph stares blankly]
King Candy: A play on... never mind!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Taffyta Muttonfudge: King Candy says glitches can't race.
Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm not a glitch, Taffyta. I've just got pixlexia, okay?

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[Mr. Litwak opens the arcade for business]Mr. Litwak: Morning, kids, come on in! Good to see you, good to see you... [to a grandfather accompanying the kids, winking]
Mr. Litwak: You too, little fella.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Vanellope von Schweetz: [as Ralph pounds out a track]Hey, what are you doing? Come on! I know it's a dump, but it's all I got.
Wreck-It Ralph: If you're gonna be a racer, you're gonna have to learn how to drive. And you can't do that without a track.
Vanellope von Schweetz: Whoa!
Wreck-It Ralph: All right now, let's hustle up. We've got some driving to do.
Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm gonna learn to drive! I'm gonna learn to drive! I'm gonna - oh wait, do you know how to drive?
Wreck-It Ralph: Yeah! I mean, I haven't done it, but - look, I flew a spaceship today, okay?
Vanellope von Schweetz: You crashed it.
Wreck-It Ralph: Just get in. How hard can it be? Okay, uh, start it up. [She presses the starter button and the engine starts]
Wreck-It Ralph: There we go. So, there's some buttons on the floor.
Vanellope von Schweetz: Pedals.
Wreck-It Ralph: Pedals, right. Now, uh... [He presses the gas pedal and the engine revs]
Wreck-It Ralph: That's the go pedal. [He presses the brake pedal and the brakes squeak]
Wreck-It Ralph: That, I believe, is the stopper. And this... [He presses the clutch and nothing happens]
Wreck-It Ralph: Wait, what is this? That doesn't do anything.
Vanellope von Schweetz: Ooh, what's this joystick do? [She moves the stick shift and the cart jumps into gear and shoots forward, knocking Ralph down]
Wreck-It Ralph: Okay, good. Let's try that again.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[looking in the back room of Tapper's, Ralph pulls out red underwear]Wreck-It Ralph: Oh, come on Zangief... Gross!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Moppet Girl: [unable to play Wreck-It Ralph]Where's the Wrecking guy?

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph: Turbo? So THAT'S REALLY YOU!

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
[Warning sign inside Diet Cola Mountain: Beware of Falling Mentos]

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph
Oreo Guards: [King Candy's castle guards, singing a parody of March of the Winkies from The Wizard of Oz]O-re-o, oreee-o. O-re-o, oreee-o. O-re-o, oreee-o.

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph