Weeds Quote

(Doug walks into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator)
Doug Wilson: What happened to all the cheese?
Lenny Botwin: Is that her pimp?
Shane Botwin: My mom is not a prostitute!
Lenny Botwin: Well she's definitely a criminal of some kind. Did she rob a bank?
Shane Botwin: No!
Lenny Botwin: A Costco?
Shane Botwin: No!
Lenny Botwin: Is she a coke dealer?
Shane Botwin: Um...no.
(Doug walks back into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator)
Doug Wilson: What happened to all the cheese?
Lenny Botwin: Weed!Your mothers a weed dealer!!
Shane Botwin: Give me back her money.

TV Show: Weeds


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