Weeds Quote

Celia: Is your mom home?
Shane: Not yet, she went to bail uncle Andy out of jail.
Celia: Well, tell her I stopped by.
Shane: Okay… I like your jacket.
Celia: Well, thank you, Shane. Everyone thinks I've lost my mind.
Shane: Everyone thinks I'm weird.
Celia: Well, I can see how you might give that impression.
Shane: I really don't care what they think.
Celia: Good for you. Let your freak flag fly.
Shane: Really?
Celia: Really. I've recently stopped giving a shit what anyone thinks and I've gotta tell ya, I feel great.
Shane: But you have cancer.
Celia: And you have a dead father. Both of us make people really uncomfortable. There's no way around it. So we can feel all self-conscious and pretend everything's normal, or we can just be our strange selves.
Shane: Thanks, Mrs. Hodes.
Celia: For what?
Shane: For telling me the truth.
Celia: You're welcome. It's a bitch though, ain't it?

TV Show: Weeds


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