Weeds Quote

Guidance Counselor: (Reading Shane's poetry/rap) My name is Shane/I bring the pain/ Up from the streets of Agrestic/Bitch, you don't wanna sweat this/I cap any motherfucker/You don't wanna test this/Be-
Shane: "Be-otch." I got rage in me. This is my way of venting.
Guidance Counselor: Well, you made a lot of people around this school very nervous.
Shane: Yeah? That's because they're a bunch of bitch ass white boys.
Guidance Counselor: I hate to break this to you, but you're also a bitch ass white boy.
Shane: Whatever, I don't care.
Guidance Counselor: I think you do care. A great deal.
Shane: Yeah, about what?
Guidance Counselor: You want approval from your peer group and when you don't get it, when they call you weirdo or Strange Botwin, then you wanna lash out. In this case, through your rap.
Shane: Yeah, that's it. I just wanna fit in. Can I go now?
Guidance Counselor: Shane you're here, because there's some concern that you might act on these emotions.
Shane: I'm not gonna cap any motherfuckers.
Guidance Counselor: How do I know that?
Shane: ‘Cause my therapist says I'm just acting out because my dad's dead.
Guidance Counselor: You may go.

TV Show: Weeds


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