Valentine Quotes

[Shelley reads her Valentine]
Shelley Fisher: The journey of love is an arduous trek, My love grows for you as you bleed from your neck.

Movie: Valentine
Cathy Andrews: [voiceover] Of all the valentine chocolates that will be eaten this year, 36% will be eaten by women who buy it for ourselves before Valentine's Day even gets here.

Movie: Valentine
Shirley Valentine: I'm not sayin' he's bad, my fella. He's just no bleedin' good.

Movie: Valentine
Shirley Valentine: [re: Millandra] What am I doing? She's only been home for five minutes and I'm already running around like R-2-bleedin' D-2

Movie: Valentine
Violet: Charlie Brown, we've been feeling awfully guilty about not giving you a Valentine this year. Here, I erased my Valentine from this one. I'd like you to have it.
Schroeder: Hold on there! What do you think you're doing? Who do you think you are? Where were you yesterday when everyone else was giving out Valentines? Is kindness and thoughtfulness something you can make retroactive? Don't you think he has any feelings? You and your friends are the most thoughtless bunch I've ever known. You don't care anything about Charlie Brown. You just hate to feel guilty. And now you have the never to come around one day later and offer him a used Valentine just to ease your conscience. Well let me tell you something - Charlie Brown doesn't need your -
Charlie Brown: Don't listen to him! I'll take it!

Movie: Valentine