Vägen tillbaka - Blådårar 2 Quotes

Lasse Nilsson: [said in 2000, before Zlatan Ibrahimovic became the superstar in European soccer that he is today] What I've seen of Zlatan has impressed me a lot. He's the King, he's going to be huge. He's big, heavy, technical, and fast. The talent he has... He plays for the crowd too. It's guys like him you wanna see. OK, I know that the whole team can't be like that, the ones that take the final dribble. He dribbles way too much - dammit, that's the stuff you want to see! Zlatan is incredible, there is no way that he will fail. If he fails, that would ruin me. The world would be unfair... [laughs]

Movie: Vägen tillbaka - Blådårar 2