Two Quotes

Clarice Kensington: [raises her arm to hit Amanda/Alyssa]
Vincenzo: Lady, if you hit that child I will pop you one, so help me God!

Movie: Two
Jacob: I'm going to have to do something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy

Movie: Two
Kenan Rockmore: Didn't you bring anything?
Kel Kimble: Let me see. [opens a suitcase, takes a suitcase out of it and opens it up]
Kenan Rockmore: Why did you pack suitcases inside of other suitcases?
Kel Kimble: Case I lost one.
Kenan Rockmore: Ah, stupid me. Well what's in that one?
Kel Kimble: Orange soda and an umbrella.
Kenan Rockmore: That's it? I mean you packed the umbrella but you didn't pack no drawers?
Kel Kimble: I don't think underwear would come in handy during a rain storm, Kenan.

Movie: Two
Roger Callaway: I made my money the old fashion way - pure dumb luck.

Movie: Two
Ronnie Corbett: this wretched, dreadful old husk of a town - absolutely nowhere near Watford - I must make that clear, I wouldn't want people ringing in complaining. No, no, it's true... some of them are on the telephone now.

Movie: Two