Transformers - Animated Quotes

—The Autobots discover the concept of the common cold.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Isaac Sumdac, cheerfully dooming us all.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Starscream is a master of subtlety, truly!

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime has quite the bad temper when he's dissatisfied with his troops.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Bumblebee and Optimus Prime exchange harsh words. Ouch.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Blitzwing cheats by stealing the Key from Ratchet instead of fighting for it.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Megatron and Starscream exchange, ahem, warm and heartfelt pleasantries.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Starscream seriously freaks out when Bumblebee shoots him.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Lugnut and Megatron, reunited at last.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Isaac Sumdac finally learns the truth, and from Megatron himself.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Megatron quickly reestablishes the Decepticon pecking order.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—One of several awkward moments in this episode for Isaac Sumdac.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime prepares to fight and die while Bumblebee would rather fight and live.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Prowl nails friend and foe alike with ninja precision.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
— Hothead Blitzwing is his own worst enemy.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime praises the Autobots while Bumblebee showcases his recently discussed "greatest strength".

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Megatron to Isaac Sumdac. The choice of furniture was destined to come back to haunt him.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Undergoing "decontamination", Optimus rediscovers that Sentinel is a jerk.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Jazz discovers the wonderful world of commuting with the help of Bulkhead.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Between broken bridges and now Dinobots, Sentinel Prime isn't having a good day.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Jazz learns that Prime's crew has anything but a quiet life.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
— Optimus is officially sick of Sentinel Prime's crap.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Ultra Magnus lets Sentinel Prime know how much of an Auto-Ass he is.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Sari and Porter C. Powell create a drastic change in plot.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Masterson, who is surprisingly okay with the fact that his new "facilities" are frilly, lacy, and painted pink.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Captain Fanzone, also saying what we're all thinking.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime match wits. Somehow, Optimus loses.

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Optimus Prime gets a kick out of Sentinel Prime's misfortune

TV Show: Transformers Animated
—Professors Bumblebee and Bulkhead have obviously been visiting the fan forums...

TV Show: Transformers Animated
Headmaster boasts as Optimus Prime scores a blow against over-sized egos everywhere.

TV Show: Transformers Animated