Trail of the Pink Panther Quotes

Cato Fong: [answering machine message] Inspector Clouseau's residence. Cato speaking. I've gone to Miami Beach to spend Chinese New Year with my maternal grandmother. Leave a message after the bleep.

Movie: Trail of the Pink Panther
Hotel Clerk: [Clouseau rings the bell for service] Yes?
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Do you have for me the 'massage'?
Hotel Clerk: Oh. You want a massage, ey?
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: If you have one for me, yes.
Hotel Clerk: Here. Why don't you try Tokyo Lil at the end of the block. Ask for Passionflower Shirley, the Yokohama Butterfly.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: And why should I do that?
Hotel Clerk: Well, you want a massage, don't you?
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Yes, but I want it from you.
Hotel Clerk: Sir, I don't give massages.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: But you gave me one early this morning.
Hotel Clerk: Sir, you're mistaken.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Look! Don't you try the tricks anglais with me, Monsieur. I receieved a 'massage' this morning from Inspector Quinlan of the Yard of Scotland.
Hotel Clerk: The massage!
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: And it was you that gave it to me.
Hotel Clerk: Message.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: What?
Hotel Clerk: You mean message.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Look, I know what I mean, you lunatic. Now do you, or do you not have for me, the 'massage'?
Hotel Clerk: No, Sir. For you, there is no massage.

Movie: Trail of the Pink Panther
Marie Jouvet: I don't know why, but I have the distinct impression that I was expected.
Hercule Lajoy: Clouseau has disappeared. You're a reporter? Elementary.
Marie Jouvet: Spoken like a true policeman.
Hercule Lajoy: A retired policeman.

Movie: Trail of the Pink Panther
Marie Jouvet: And so, after leaving that delightful old man, who is so firmly convinced that his famous son is still alive, I began to wonder: 'is it possible'? Mafia boss Bruno Longlois seems to think is it. Sir Charles Litton feels such men are indispensable and therefore indestructible. And Chief Inspector Dreyfuss is so obsessed with the possibility that he's on the verge of another nervous breakdown. Did Inspector Clouseau really perish in the sea, as reported? Or for reasons as yet unknown, is he out there somewhere, plotting his next move, waiting to reveal himself when the time is right? I am reluctant to believe that misfortune has really struck down such a great man.

Movie: Trail of the Pink Panther
Sergeant Francois Duval: Clouseau was trying to fix the lighter. He is sure that someone planted a bomb in the car.
Chief Insp. Charles Dreyfus: Yes. Someone should have... I mean, could have done that.

Movie: Trail of the Pink Panther