The X Files Quotes

Mulder: (Explaining how he knew where to find Scully) I checked where we always stay in Philadelphia. I was sure you wouldn't abandon me.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (Making fun of Scully's new tattoo) I was thinking of having an NY tattooed on my ass to commemorate the Yankees' World Series victory.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (To Scully) Congrats on making a personal appearance in the X-Files for the second time!

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: For the first time, I feel time like a heart beat, the seconds pumping in my breast like a reckoning. The numinous mysteries that once seemed so distant and unreal threatening clarity in the presence of a truth entertained not in youth, but only in its passage. I feel these words as if their meaning were weight being lifted from me, knowing that you will read them and share my burden as I have come to trust no other. That you should know my heart, look into it, finding there the memory and experience that belong to you–that are you–is a comfort to me now as I feel the tethers loose and the prospects darken for the continuance of a journey that began not so long ago, and which began again with a faith shaken and strengthened by your convictions. If not for which I might never have been so strong now as I cross to face you and look at you, incomplete, hoping that you will forgive me for not making the rest of the journey with you.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: I refuse to believe that.
Scully: For all the times that I've said that to you, I am as certain about this as you have ever been.

TV Show: The X-Files
Skinner: (About Mulder's tiny office) At least he doesn't take an elevator up to get to work.
Cigarette Smoking Man: (Snarky smile) You think I'm the devil?

TV Show: The X-Files
Skinner: You can't ask the truth of a man who trades in lies.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us.

TV Show: The X-Files
Cigarette Smoking Man: You wish to bargain for Agent Scully's life?
Skinner: (shouting) WHAT WILL IT TAKE?!

TV Show: The X-Files
Skinner: (on the phone with Mulder) There's always another way. [Hangs up; camera pans around to reveal Cigarette Smoking Man]
Cigarette Smoking Man: Yes, I think there is. If you're willing to pay the price.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: I am hesitant to speculate.
Scully: (rolls eyes)

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (to Mulder, sarcastically) You sure know how to make a girl feel special on her birthday.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: Does your policy cover the acts of extraterrestrials?

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (About to scuba dive to the bottom of a lake) Once, I got a quarter off the deep end at the Y pool!

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (looking through Max's trailer) I think you were actually kindred spirits in some deep, strange way.
Mulder: What do you mean?
Scully: Men with Spartan lives, simple in their creature comforts, and willing to allow for the complexity of their passions.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: More people are trying to get their hands on this than a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll.

TV Show: The X-Files
Skinner: Is this man on the plane?
Mulder: I think he got the connecting flight.

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: I, uh... actually, I was thinking about the- this gift that you gave me for my birthday. (takes out the Apollo 11 pendant/keychain and looks at it) You never got to tell me why you gave it to me or what it means. But I think I know. I think that you appreciate that there are extraordinary men and women and extraordinary moments when history leaps forward on the backs of these individuals. That what can be imagined can be achieved. That you must dare to dream, but that there's no substitute for perseverance and hard work. And teamwork, because no one gets there alone. And while we commemorate the greatness of these events and the individuals who achieved them, we cannot forget the sacrifice of those who make these achievements and leaps possible.
Mulder: ...I just thought it was a pretty cool keychain.

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (sarcastically) What else about this interests you? Could it be... [reading from magazine cover] "visitors from space?"

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: Do you know who the father of your baby is?
Amanda: His name is Luke Skywalker. He's what's known as a 'Jedi knight.'
Scully: ...did he have a lightsaber?
Amanda: No, he didn't bring it. He did sing a song for me though. (sings "Star Wars" theme)
Scully: How many times have you seen "Star Wars," Amanda?
Amanda: 368. I should break 400 by Memorial Day.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: Take your best shot, Scully, but I think there's more going on here than Luke Skywalker and his lightsaber.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: How would this happen?
Scully: The birds and the bees and the monkey babies, Mulder.

TV Show: The X-Files
[Mr and Mrs Neiman, parents of one of the "monkey babies," are arguing as they head toward their doctor's office.]
Mrs Neiman: We're going to find the best lawyer we can, because I definitely plan to sue, that's all I'm saying, Fred!
Mr Neiman: Baboo, look, just let me do the talking, all right? [Mulder and Scully join the couple in walking toward the doctor's office entrance.]
Mrs Neiman: Just tell him we're gonna sue!
Mr Neiman: (to Mulder and Scully) Oh, you too, huh? [They exchange a confused look.]

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: I have a theory. Do you wanna hear it?
Scully: Van Blundht somehow physically transformed into his captor and walked out the door, leaving no one the wiser?
Mulder: (pleased) Scully, should we be picking out china patterns or what?

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: So what are you saying, that Van Blundht's an alien?
Mulder: (grinning) Not unless they have trailer parks in space.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: Hey Scully, if you could be somebody else for a day, who would it be?
Scully: Hopefully myself.
Mulder: So boring! I mean, wouldn't you be tempted to try on somebody else's existence for a day, live your life as somebody else?
Scully: Looking like someone else, Mulder, and being someone else are completely different things.
Mulder: Well maybe it's not. I mean, everybody else around you would treat you like you were somebody else. I mean, ultimately, maybe it's other people's reactions to us who make us who we are.
Scully: (pauses for a while as they walk, thinking) All right then. Eleanor Roosevelt.
Mulder: (regretful) Ay. Can't be a dead person.
Scully: (slightly annoyed) Why the hell not?
Mulder: (as if it is a perfectly acceptable explanation) Because.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (a decaying body just fell out of the ceiling) You think the fall killed him?

TV Show: The X-Files
Eddie Van Blundht: (annoyed, looking at Mulder's "I Want To Believe" poster in his office, as Mulder) Good night! This is where my tax dollars go?!

TV Show: The X-Files
Eddie Van Blundht: [As Mulder, walks in to Mulder's apartment and looks around] Where the hell do I sleep?!

TV Show: The X-Files
Eddie Van Blundht: [To himself, as Mulder, looking in the mirror. Holds up FBI badge, practicing.] FBI. (slowly, exaggerated) F. ... B. ... I. FBI. (puts badge away; dramatically) You lookin' at me? There ain't nobody else here, you must be lookin' at me. You want a piece of this? (practices getting out his gun quickly; drops the clip as he does so; awkwardly puts it away again; sighs) You're a damn good lookin' man.

TV Show: The X-Files