The Venture Bros. Quote

#24: Seriously, ask me any question.
#21: Okay, what's the meaning of life?
#24: The color twelve.
#21: Really?!
#24: No, idiot! Ask me something less Hitchhiker's Guide, dork.
#21: Do we have souls?
#24: Yeah. Well, not quite souls but, it's a general idea. Everything has a soul.
#21: Crap. So I guess I should become a vegetarian?
#24: No. Like everything living has a soul. Even spinach. You can't win.
#21: Oh, so that's ... the problem.
#24: Here's something. You know how people cry about aborting babies because of their "soul"? It turns out you don't get a soul till' you're like one.
#21: So weird. One? Really?!
#24: Or maybe six months, I forget. Anyway, you're just this crying ... pooing ... monster blob till you get your soul.
#21: That's amazing, I should tell everybody! People need to know about this!
#24: Oh definitely, and maybe you should write it all down on a golden plate, or maybe get some aviators and a compound in Guyana-
#21: Okay, I get it. Dude, I barely believe you're real. I mean, if there were ghosts, they'd be freakin' everywhere
#24: Eh, not necessarily. You can only haunt someone you were close to, (voice echos) in life.
#21: And you chose me? Out of everything, you chose me?
#24: Uh, before you get all teary-eyed, I could only choose between you, and a cocoon that is constantly getting blown up.
#21: Still, you could've-
#24: Or Beth Seten. But she's not fifteen anymore so she probably doesn't like me (voice echos again) "that way".

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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