The Venture Bros. Quote

[The Order of the Triad put on a safety sketch...]
Jefferson Twilight: Killin' Blackulas with a sword is cool. But you know what's really cool? Safety!
Dr. Orpheus: The Order of the Triad have many strange and mysterious enemies!
The Alchemist: Enemies...of safety!
Jefferson Twilight: One of our enemies is invisible!
Dr. Orpheus: And he can enter any home through the ground! He's waiting for you right now in the basement!
The Alchemist: His name is Radon! And he will give you lung cancer!
Jefferson Twilight: Lung cancer? But, Al, I don't smoke!
Dr. Orpheus: Of course you don't, Jefferson! Because smoking is more evil than the hoary denizens of the Underworld! And if you did smoke, we'd know it. Because we have a SMOKE DETECTOR in every room!
The Alchemist: With fresh batteries! Remember: if your smoke detector doesn't work, the silence...
All: Could be deadly!
[They bow. As they look up, they notice that all of the children have gone.]
Jefferson Twilight: When did we lose 'em?
Dr. Orpheus: That was my fault. I really hit them with that "radon" part.
The Alchemist: We never get to my song!

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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