The Venture Bros. Quote

The Monarch: Marry me!
Dr. Girlfriend: You being serious?
The Monarch: Deadly serious.
Dr. Girlfriend: (dramatic pause) Yes.
The Monarch: Good! Done! Now get your ass back in that bed!
Dr. Girlfriend: But we need to make some ground rules first! (brings out a list) 1: No more of this "I need my space, you're crowding me" crap!
The Monarch: Fine, whatever. Wh... Where were you hiding that list?
Dr. Girlfriend: 2: I'm not your "number 2." I'm your partner.
The Monarch: Okay! I'll get you a crown or something. Anything else on that magic and probably moist list of yours?
Dr. Girlfriend: Yes! Number 3: This whole "Dr. Venture" thing is over!
The Monarch: Yes! We kill him once and for all!!! And we shall make slave of his sons and a lamp from the flesh of Brock Samson!
Dr. Girlfriend: NO! I want you to give up this insane grudge you have on Dr. Venture once and for all.
The Monarch: No way! Dr. Venture is my sworn enemy!
Dr. Girlfriend: Oh, nevermind then! I knew you weren't serious!
The Monarch: No, no! Don't go!!! Fine, I'll do it... No more arching Dr. Venture...
Dr. Girlfriend: Ever?
The Monarch: Never...
Dr. Girlfriend: Swear?
The Monarch: I pinkie swear!!
[The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend pinkie swear]
The Monarch: 'Kay? You happy know?
Dr. Girlfriend: (Teary eyed) The happiest woman alive!

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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