The Venture Bros. Quote

Jonas Venture, Jr.: What are you trying to do there, Dean?
Hank: We're helping our new ghost pal!
General Manhowers: Heh! Now ain't that somethin'? I wish my boy had that kinda creativity!
Dean: Col. Manstrong is going to assassinate the president!
Hank: It's not really his fault though. His mom's controlling him!
General Manhowers: Don't give me that psycho-babble, son! After a certain age, a man needs to take responsibility for his own actions!
Dean: Um... Okay.
General Manhowers: Sure, maybe if I hugged my thick-headed son more he wouldn't have started them fires or stolen all that lacrosse equipment, but dammit! Sometimes they're just bad apples!!

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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