The Venture Bros. Quote

(Dean, possessed by the Ghost of Abraham Lincoln, tries to kiss Hank.)
Hank: Eww!
(Hank slaps Dean, knocking Lincoln out of him and onto the floor.)
Hank: Dude, what the dilly?!
Dean: Did it work? What happened?
Hank: Honest Abe's a 'mo, that's what happened.
Lincoln's Ghost: Sorry! Sorry. I don't know what came over me. It was just a bit overwhelming to have a body again. All those hormones. Whoo! (Stands up.) Right. Just let me try this again. I'm ready for it this time. (Begins to step into Dean.) Who's Triana, by the way?
Dean: Ah! Just get in!
(Lincoln steps into Dean's body.)
Hank: And no funny business!
Lincoln's Ghost: Yes already! Like you boys never experimented.
Hank: Dean!

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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