The Venture Bros. Quote

President Breyer: How'd you like to be Vice-President?
Bud Manstrong: Me?!
President Breyer: Hell yeah, you! Who'd do think I'm talking about; you're a genuine hero, boy. The Bureau can't find a damn thing on you, and plus, you're a little bit of the eye candy for the ladies. Speakin' of which...(opens door) take a pick.
Bud Manstrong: I'm...not sure I follow you, Sir.
President Breyer: Any of my secretarial staff, 'cept the one in the blue dress that smells like this!
(Holds his finger up to Bud's nose)
Bud Manstrong: Oh, dear lord!
President Breyer: (laughs) That's Phyllis — got my name written all over her...literally! I once wrote my name on the front of her dress with the tip of my...
Bud Manstrong: OH NO! I'm not hearing this, I'm not hearing this! Good evening, sir!
(Walks out of the office)
President Breyer: (into intercom) Uh, Cass, I'll take that blowjob now.

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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