The Venture Bros. Quote

Team Venture find themselves trapped in the clutches of a bloodthirsty Egyptian cult and their time machine. Doc narrowly escapes and teams up with Master Billy Quizboy and Pete White, but promptly forgets to mount a rescue. So it's up to Brock and a pantheon of history's greatest men to find another way out.
(Brock and Hank have just found Dean's disembodied head inside a small pyramid frame)
Brock: What happened?
Hank: Yeah Clarissa, explain it all
Dean: That guy with the bird head, he has this mummy army, and one of the mummys has a magic scepter. Don't move Hank, he's right behind you!
Hank: What? Yep. That's just Mummy-Mum-Muggy. He's a good mummy, Dean-o. Right? Muggy friend. (scratches the mummy's chin) Muggy like his chin rubbed. Who's a good mummy?
Brock: Hank, get your brother's head and follow me. There has to be a way out of here.
Hank: Muggy might know! (continues scratching Muggy's chin) Where's the exit? Tell us boy. (Muggy's head, except for the lower jaw, falls off)
Brock: This is getting stupid! Where the hell is your father?

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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