The Usual Suspects Quotes

Keaton : There is no fucking coke!

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : Fuckin' cops.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : [ referring to Rabin ] That guy is tense. Tension is a killer. I used to be in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois. The baritone was this guy named Kip Diskin, big fat guy, I mean, like, orca fat. He was so stressed in the morning...
Dave Kujan : Verbal, you know we're trying to help you.
Verbal : Sure, and I appreciate that. And I wanna help you, Agent Kujan. I like cops. I would've liked to have been a fed myself, but my CP...
Dave Kujan : Verbal, you're not telling us everything. I know you know something.
Verbal : I told the DA everything I know.
Dave Kujan : Verbal, I know you like Keaton. I know you think he's a good man.
Verbal : I know he was good.
Dave Kujan : He was a corrupt cop.
Verbal : Sure, 15 years ago, but he was a good thief. Anyway, the cops wouldn't let him go legit.
Dave Kujan : Dean Keaton was a piece of shit.
Verbal : Are you trying to get a rise out of me, Agent Kujan?
Dave Kujan : I just wanna hear your story.
Verbal : It's all there. May I have a cigarette?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : You think you can catch Keyser Soze? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught, and sticks his head out? If he comes up for anything it'll be to get rid of me. After that... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Hockney : What about it, pretzel man? What's your story?
Keaton : His name's Verbal. Verbal Kint.
McManus : Verbal?
Keaton : Yeah.
Verbal : 'Roger', really. People say I talk too much.
Hockney : Yeah, I was just gonna tell you to shut up.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Arkosh Kovash : [ in Hungarian ] Why are you just standing there, you idiot? I'm not speaking English am I? Wouldn't it make sense to find someone who could talk to me so you could find the person that set me on fire, perhaps? He is the Devil. You've never seen anyone like Keyser Soze in all your miserable life, you idiot. Keyser Soze. Do you at least understand that? Keyser Soze. The Devil himself. Or are you American policemen so stupid that you haven't even heard of him? Keyser Soze, you ridiculous man. KEYSER SOZE.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
[ after being strip-searched ]
Fenster : Man, I had a finger up my asshole tonight.
Hockney : Is it Friday already?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Fenster : The way I hear it, Soze is some kind of butcher. A peerless, psycho, fucked-up butcher.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
[ suspects in a lineup are asked to read a phrase ]
Interrogation Cop : Number 1, step forward.
Hockney : Hand me the keys, you fucking cocksucker.
Interrogation Cop : Number 2, step forward.
McManus : Give me the fucking keys, you fucking cocksucking motherfucker, aaarrrghh.
Interrogation Cop : Knock it off. Get back. Number 3, step forward.
Fenster : [ laughing ] Hand me the keys, you cocksucker.
Interrogation Cop : In English, please?
Fenster : Excuse me?
Interrogation Cop : In English.
Fenster : Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
[ last lines ]
Verbal : After that my guess is that you will never hear from him again. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : I just can't believe we're going to walk into certain death.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Fenster : I don't know anything about no fuckin? truck.
Interrogation Cop : Oh, yeah? Well, your friend McManus told us a different story altogether.
Fenster : Oh, is that the one about the hooker with the dysentery?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Interrogation Cop : I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking.
Hockney : Really? I live in Queens. Did you put that together yourself, Einstein? What, do you got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Kobayashi : Mr. Redfoot knew nothing. Mr. Soze rarely works with the same people for very long, and they never know who they're working for. One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.
Fenster : So why are you telling us?
Kobayashi : Because you have stolen from Mr.Soze, Mr Fenster. All of you. That you did not know you stole from him is the only reason you are still alive. He feels you owe him. You will repay your debt.
Hockney : All right, fuck the debt. And fuck you! How do we know you work for Soze?
Kobayashi : I don't think that is very relevant, Mr Hockney. All five of you are responsible for the murder of Saul Berg and his bodyguards. Mr. Redfoot can testify to your involvement, and we can see to it that he will.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
McManus : Old McDonald had a farm ee i ee i o. And on that farm he shot some guys. Badda boom badda bing bang boom.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Hockney : What about it, pretzel man, what's your story?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Interrogation Cop : What are you saying?
Fenster : I said he'll flip you.
Interrogation Cop : He'll what?
Fenster : Flip you. Flip ya for real.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : To a cop the explanation is never that complicated. It's always simple. There's no mystery to the street, no arch criminal behind it all. If you got a dead body and you think his brother did it, you're gonna find out you're right.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : Big fat guy, I mean like orca fat.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Keaton : McManus. What the fuck is going on?
McManus : The strangest thing...

Movie: The Usual Suspects
McManus : There's nothing that can't be done.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Dave Kujan : He was dead just long enough for the murder rap to blow over. And then he had lunch.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
McManus : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : It didn't make sense that I'd be there. I mean, these guys were hard-core hijackers, but there I was. At that point I wasn't scared, I knew I hadn't done anything they could do me for. Besides, it was fun. I got to make like I was notorious.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Fenster : So who in the goddamn piss-hell stole the fuckin' truck?
Hockney : What did you say?
Fenster : Who stole the fuckin' truck?

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Dave Kujan : Of course, I can't prove this. But I can't prove the best part either... Dean Keaton was dead. Did you know that? He died in a fire two years ago during the investigation into the murder of a witness who was going to testify against him. Two people watched Dean Keaton walk into a warehouse he owned just before it blew up. They said he went in to check a leaking gas main. It blew up and took all of Dean Keaton with it. Within three months of the explosion, the two witnesses, they were dead. One killed himself in his car; the other fell down an open elevator shaft.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Kobayashi : Before you... do me in, Mr. McManus, you will let me finish my business with Ms. Finneran first, won't you?
Keaton : What did you say?
Kobayashi : Edie Finneran. She's upstairs in my office for an extradition deposition. I requested that she be put on the case personally. She flew in yesterday. No matter. Kill away, Mr. McManus.

Movie: The Usual Suspects
Verbal : He lets the last Hungarian go. He waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and then he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. And like that he was gone. Underground. Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and Keyser Soze will get you." And no-one ever really believes.

Movie: The Usual Suspects