The Time Being Quotes

Warner Dax: Well, Daniel, do you have the footage I asked for?

Movie: The Time Being
Warner Dax: I don't have any choice. I'm gonna die alone. I'm perfectly willing to pay this price.

Movie: The Time Being
Warner Dax: You know, I don't feel like I exist if I'm not painting.

Movie: The Time Being
[first lines]Warner Dax: There's a part of me that feels a man has gotta just do the thing that wakes him up in the middle of the night - thinks he can't live without - he can't survive without.

Movie: The Time Being
Warner Dax: Life is alot less complicated when you can't hear women.

Movie: The Time Being
Daniel: What do you do for a living?
Warner Dax: That's a very American way to qualify a person's value.

Movie: The Time Being
Warner Dax: It's too late. I've lived this selfish life, Daniel.
Daniel: You said I might be like you, but I'm not. I need my family.
Warner Dax: Good, because there's something worse than loosing them. Not being able to remember them.

Movie: The Time Being