The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Quote

Madame Agogo: Ahooooooooo Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [a window shatters]
Luigi: Uh Madame Agogo, did you just summon up evil spirits?
Madame Agogo: No it was the Chilli Peppers I had for lunch [drum fanfare]
Madame Agogo: , Now ask me whats the first thing on my mind!
Mario Mario: Ok whats the first thing on your mind?
Madame Agogo: My $25 fee [drum fanfare]
Madame Agogo: course things don't come cheap you have to pay the rent [Takes money from Mario]
Madame Agogo: Thank you, Mario, Luigi join hands!
Madame Agogo: [chanting as the lights dim down] Ohhhh ooohhh almight spirits/ with mighty eyes/ To Mario and Luigi/ Please don't tell lies, [pause]
Madame Agogo: Ahhhhhh either all your questions will soon be answered,
Luigi: Or...?
Mario Mario: Or...?
Madame Agogo: Or we'll have to play a quick game of ring-around-the-rosie [drum fanfare]
Madame Agogo: [after the Lengend of Zelda preview] I Fell!
Mario Mario: YES?
Madame Agogo: I Fell!
Luigi: YES?
Madame Agogo: I feel someone stepping on my foot! [drum fanfare]
Mario Mario, Luigi: [both look at the floor then make a gesture with their teeth and fingers] Neeurrgh!

TV Show: The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!


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