The Smoke Quotes

Jack: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great f***ing fall. You know the rest. Now go and find my f***ing money!

Movie: The Smoke
Brad: Decking that prick felt great. But that was the only thing to feel good about. Who were those nuns? Why didn't I protest? I just froze. Or did I? It was almost like I wanted them to fire me. Sasha. Losing my job. Everything just spinning in my mind, I felt numb. Then I was overcome with a strange emotion. Is this what it feels like to be free?

Movie: The Smoke
[last lines] Brad: I read about this guy once, he rode the New York metro for 18 hours before anyone noticed that he was dead. In that moment, sitting there, I wondered; how long till someone finds me? Was that me you were gonna be reading about in tomorrows paper? And as I faded deeper and deeper, I asked myself; was it worth it? Well it was, because it didn't take 18 hours to find me, thank fuck for London's busy tubes. 18 seconds later we pulled into the next station and as I heard that lady's voice, I thought of Jodie. For three weeks I lay in that hospital bed, dreaming about our future; Jodie, me and gay Purie, not to mention her dog, Alan. I can't believe she called a dog Alan, who names a dog Alan? Anyway, all I know is, I cannot wait to see her and start a new life in a new city. I can just picture her hair blowing in the breeze on a hot summer's day. There was a point, there was a reason, it wasn't for nothing. No more running, no more hiding, I was so close to finally being free.

Movie: The Smoke