The Shield Quote

Corrine: Matthew doesn't even think he did anything wrong. How am I supposed to reason with him?
Vic: Somehow.
Corrine: I can't spend every second with him., can't take him, what are we supposed to do? Put him in a home?
Vic: You're serious?
Corrine: [Pause] No.... I don't know.
Vic: We are not gonna put him away.
Corrine: I don't want to.
Vic: Then don't bring it up again!
Corrine: Megan has a shot at a normal life. Is this fair to her?
Vic: Of course not. But that doesn't mean we commit our son!
Corrine: I am doing everything I can!
Vic': Well, then I'm going to have to step in.

TV Show: The Shield


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