The Shield Quote

Operator: Hello, you've reached the Police Department's main switchboard. Please listen carefully to the following options. To be connected to a supervisor, because one of our jackass thugs mistreated you, and you want his goddamn badge, press one.
Ronnie: Cop I know sent it to me.
Operator: If you committed a crime you think you can bullshit your way out of, press two. [Cops laugh]
Ronnie: It's great, isn't it?
Vic: If you shut up and let us listen.
Operator: If you're shirtless and threatening your girlfriend with a knife, and don't want one of our officers interfering with you your "love," press three.
Danny: Priceless.
Operator: To report an act of inter-racial profiling, put down your crack pipe and press four. [group laughs] If you can't locate one of your seven unsupervised, fatherless children, press five.

TV Show: The Shield


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