The Raccoons Quote

Melissa: Ralph Raccoon, what has gotten in to you? You can't treat your friends that way just because you want to win a newspaper award!
Ralph: Melissa, I'm a professional. I've been nominated editor of the year, and if I can't depend on my staff to turn the Standard into the best paper ever printed, then...
Melissa: If you keep this up, you won't have any staff!
Ralph: Have you got those photos yet, Melissa or do I have to do that to?
Melissa: They're in the camera, Ralph. I know you want the photos done properly, so you can develop them yourself!
Ralph: Oooh! Melissa, wait! Waah.. oof (Ralph trips on an ink puddle) All right then, I WILL do it myself and it'll be the best issue of the standard ever!

TV Show: The Raccoons


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