The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers Quotes

Haldir : I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.
Aragorn : Mae govannen, Haldir. You are most welcome.
Haldir : We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gollum : He is drawing all evil to him.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Faramir : [ from the Extended Edition ] The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, and would he not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Aragorn : You have some skill with a blade.
Eowyn : The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain.
Aragorn : What do you fear, my lady?
Eowyn : A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.
Aragorn : You are a daughter of kings, a shield maiden of Rohan. I do not think that will be your fate.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : [ after seeing the torn-down forest around Isengard ] Saruman! A wizard should know better! [ loud yell ]
Treebeard : There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery.
Pippin : Look, the trees! They're moving!
Merry : Where are they going?
Treebeard : They have business with the Orcs. My business is with Isengard tonight, with rock and stone. [ Ents emerge from the woods, following Treebeard ]
Treebeard : Hroom, hm, come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Faramir : I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins.
Madril : You know the laws of our country - the laws of your father. If you let them go your life will be forfeit.
Faramir : Then it is forfeit. Release them.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gandalf : There is no way out of that ravine, Théoden is walking into a trap.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gollum : Sméagol... Why does he cry, Sméagol?
Smeagol : Cruel men hurts us. Master tricksed us.
Gollum : Of course he did. I told you he was tricksy. I told you he was false.
Smeagol : Master is our friend... our friend.
Gollum : Master betrayed us.
Smeagol : No, not it's business. Leave us alone.
Gollum : Filthy little hobbites. They stole it from us.
Smeagol : No... No.
Faramir : What did they steal?
Gollum : Myyy PRECIOUSSS.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Sam : Mr. Frodo, put the ring on; just this once, disappear.
Frodo : I can't... You were right, Sam. The ring is taking me. If I put it on he will find me.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Sam : It's the Ring, isn't it?
Frodo : It's getting heavier.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Sam : This looks strangely familiar.
Frodo : Because we've been here before. We're going in circles!

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Frodo : Maybe he does deserve to die, but now that I see him I do pity him.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Frodo : Stop! This creature is bound to me and I to him. He is our guide.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : We have just agreed... [ Merry and Pippin lean in ]
Merry : Yes?
Treebeard : I have told your names to the Entmoot, and we have agreed you are not orcs.
Pippin : Well, that's good news.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gimli : Whatever luck you live by... let's hope it lasts the night.
Legolas : You're friends are with you, Aragorn.
Gimli : Let's hope they last the night...

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Merry : It's been going for hours.
Pippin : They must have decided something by now.
Treebeard : Decided? No, we have just finished saying "Good Morning".
Merry : But it's night time already! You can't take forever!
Treebeard : Now, don't be hasty, master Merriadoc.
Merry : We're running out of time!

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Saruman : Rohan, my lord, is ready to fall.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : [ about orcs ] They come with fire, they come with axes... gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning. Destroyers and usurpers, curse them.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : My home is deep in the forest near the roots of the mountains.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : I promised Gandalf I would keep you safe and safe is where I'll keep you.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gimli : You'll find more cheer in a graveyard.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : We Ents cannot hold back this storm. We must weather such things as we have always done.
Merry : How can that be your decision?
Treebeard : This is not our war.
Merry : But you're part of this world, aren't you?... You must help... please.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Treebeard : Many of these trees were my friends. Creatures I had known from nut or acorn.
Pippin : I'm sorry, Treebeard.
Treebeard : They had voices of their own. Saruman! A wizard should know better!

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Theoden : Gandalf.
Gandalf : Breathe the free air again, my friend.
Theoden : [ stands up from the throne ] Dark have been my dreams of late. [ looks at his hands ]
Gandalf : Your fingers would remember their old strength better... if they grasped your sword.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Theoden : I know your face, Eowyn.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
[ from extended version ]
Sam : Can you see the bottom?
Frodo : No. Don't look down, Sam, just keep going!
Sam : [ drops a small box ] Ouagh! Catch It! Grab it, Mr. Frodo! [ Frodo catches it, loses his grip and then lands on the ground ]
Frodo : I think I found the bottom.
Sam : It's not natural. None of it.
Frodo : What's in this?
Sam : Nothin'. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was havin' a roast chicken one night or something...
Frodo : Roast chicken?
Sam : You never know.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Man Flesh Uruk : What is it? What do you smell?
Mauhur : Man flesh. They've picked up our trail.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Gimli : [ out of breath ] I'm wasted on cross-country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances.

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Eowyn : Leave me alone, snake!
Wormtongue : Oh, but you are alone. Who knows what you have spoken to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all your life seems to shrink, the walls of your bower closing in about you, a hutch to trammel some wild thing in? So fair, yet so cold like a morning of pale Spring still clinging to Winter's chill.
Eowyn : Your words are poison!

Movie: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers