The Little Vampire Quotes

Rudolph Sackville-Bagg: We want to become humans, not eat them for dinner.

Movie: The Little Vampire
Caretaker: Come on. You're either alive or dead - there ain't no in-between, pal.

Movie: The Little Vampire
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: [after Gregory attacks the cemetary caretaker] You bit him?
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: Just a taste.
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: Was it worth betraying your family?
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: You're the traitor, forever denying the truth of us. We are the dark gods! But you have turned us into cowards. Sulking around our holes like worms!
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: What would you have us do?
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: Fight back! Make these mortals' blood run cold!
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: And you could do it Gregory. You're young, strong, ruthless and willing to risk a stake through the heart to prove it.
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: Better a stake than this prison!
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: Do you think me oblivious?
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: What does it matter to you what I think? If I think?
Frederick Sackville-Bagg: It matters greatly. I feel your sting.
Gregory Sackville-Bagg: But you are Frederick the Great. You feel nothing!

Movie: The Little Vampire
Rudolph: I have to go
Tony: But you can't even walk!
Rudolph: Who needs to walk... when I can fly! [jumps over window, hovers for a few seconds, then falls]
Rudolph: [Tony goes outside, and goes to help Rudolph]
Tony: You OK?
Rudolph: Do I look it?

Movie: The Little Vampire
Rudolph Sackville-Bagg: You are not a brother.
Tony: Well I'm not a sister.
Rudolph Sackville-Bagg: You are human... you're full of blood!
Tony: Gonna keep it that way dude!

Movie: The Little Vampire