The Lego Movie Quote

Bad Cop: Playing dumb, Masterbuilder?
Emmet: No! I- Masterbuilder?
Bad Cop: Oh, so you've never heard of the prophecy?
Emmet: No, I...
Bad Cop: Or the Special?
Emmet: No! No, I...
Bad Cop: You're a liar! [Starts kicking and wrestling a chair]
Emmet: Look, um... I watch a lot of cop shows on TV... isn't there supposed to be a-... Isn't there supposed to be a good cop?
Bad Cop: [Body slams chair and then throws it across the room]Oh yes, but we're not done yet. [Face changes to the cheerful Good Cop]
Bad Cop: Hi, buddy! I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer! Would you like a glass of water? [Sets cup of water on table]
Emmet: Yeah. [reaches for cup]
Emmet: Yeah, actually...
Bad Cop: [face changes back to Bad Cop]Too bad. [Knocks cup off the table]

Movie: The Lego Movie


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