The Golden Girls Quote

Dr. Kelly: [from the radio] I'm Dr. Kelly, and today we're going to be talking about "Mothers and Daughters: The Dark Side," and we're ready for our first call.
Sophia: [dials the radio station] Hello.
Dr. Kelly: Hi, you're on the air with Dr. Kelly. I need your first name only.
Sophia: My name is...Cher.
Dr. Kelly: And your problem, Cher?
Sophia: I have a 55-year-old daughter named Dorothy, Dorothy Zbornak. She's got problems.
Dr. Kelly: First names only, please.
Sophia: I told you, it's Cher!
Dr. Kelly: Zbornak, you said Dorothy Zbornak.
Sophia: Oh, sorry.
Dr. Kelly: So what's wrong with this Dorothy Zbornak?

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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