The Golden Girls Quote

Rose: [pretending to flirt with Elliot to make him confess to hitting on Blanche] Did anyone ever tell you, you look just like Jerry Vale?
Elliot: No...
Rose: They should. He's the only man in the world that can make the hair on my arms stand up. [begins suggestively bobbing up and down] Can I fix you a drink?
Elliot: No thank you. Is something wrong with your leg?
Rose: Nothing you can't fix, [breathily] Doctor Man!
Elliot: I beg your pardon?
Rose: I know I look square, but I'm like my father's tractor. I take a while to warm up, but once I get going I can turn your topsoil till the cows come home.
Elliot: Rose, please!
Rose: Wanna see some Polaroids of me in my tennis skirt?

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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