The Expendables 2 Quotes

Gunner Jensen: [the bomb's fuse goes out]Well, the phosphorus must have been damp.
Lee Christmas: Yeah, right.
Toll Road: Or you suck.
Hale Caesar: There's that.
Maggie: Don't cry, Gunner.
Barney Ross: You almost had an idea.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: Imagine if 6 pounds of pure plutonium is powerful enough to change the balance of the world. So, imagine what 5 tons would do.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: You wanna kill me like a man? Or you wanna kill me like a sheep? So. What's it going to be? Man or sheep?
Barney Ross: You wanna man up? I'll man you up.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Barney Ross: Trench?
Trench: Oh, this is embarrassing.
Barney Ross: Yeah, it sure is.
Lee Christmas: What's he doing here?
Trench: Saving this Chinese billionaire.
Barney Ross: Oh, yeah? That's funny. So are we.
Trench: Well, then we have a scheduling problem, don't we? [to Gunner]
Trench: Cut me loose, Frankenstein.
Barney Ross: Don't get nuts, Gunner. Do it.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Barney Ross: Christmas, my friend. Please tell me you ain't going through this.
Lee Christmas: Of course I am. Look at that girl. Who wouldn't marry her?
Barney Ross: She cheated on you.
Lee Christmas: It was a half-cheat.
Barney Ross: Which is?
Lee Christmas: The other side of a half-truth. The facts are murky.
Barney Ross: Murky. I hate to break this to you, pal, but your girlfriend over there has a world-class cheating gene.
Lee Christmas: I should stab you in the heart.
Barney Ross: Too late.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Barney Ross: I got an idea. And your ego, I think you're gonna love it.
Lee Christmas: My ego?
Barney Ross: Your ego.
Lee Christmas: What do you mean, my ego?
Barney Ross: You've got a big ego.
Lee Christmas: Well, check your ego out.
Barney Ross: Oh, please. Your ego is like the size of a dinosaur. Huge.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Maggie: Can I ask you something?
Barney Ross: Sure, go ahead.
Maggie: Why are you so nervous around me?
Barney Ross: I don't get nervous, Maggie.
Maggie: Then what is it?
Barney Ross: I just like keeping a distance.
Maggie: Is it because you don't want to know anymore people?
Barney Ross: Let's just say bad things have happened to people I've gotten close to.
Maggie: Not a good way to live.
Barney Ross: [nods]I know.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Lee Christmas: You're not doing what I think you're doing.
Barney Ross: Yeah, I am.
Lee Christmas: Let's do it! [Barney intentionally rams and crash lands his plane into the plutonium mine, Maggie nearly falls out and Gunnar saves her]
Lee Christmas: You're gonna need a new plane.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Church: What's taking so long, Barney Ross? This should have been a walk in the park for you guys. Where's the case?
Barney Ross: Don't have it.
Church: I warned you what would happen to you mutts if you pulled this shit again.
Barney Ross: A good man died trying to get that case.
Church: I'm sorry about that.
Barney Ross: Are you?
Church: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. But this sort of situation comes with the territory, wouldn't you say?
Barney Ross: And so does payback. You know, Church, you're the kind of guy that pulls the strings, and everyone else does your dirty work 'cause you never had the guts to do it yourself. We're done.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Gunner Jensen: [as Yang and the Chinese millionaire jump out of the plane]Now that's some real Chinese take out.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: Ironic. Here we are, you and I. And your knife. You're going to die. Like him. What his name? What did you call him? What does it matter?
Barney Ross: Come on, Vilain. Somebody's dying. Come on, Vilain. Come on, Vilain. Come on! [whips Vilian with a large chain then beats him. Barney picks up his knife]
Barney Ross: Get up, Vilain. Get up. Now turn around. Turn around, sheep.
Vilain: Now what? [Barney throws the chain around Vilain's neck, pulls him toward his knife and stabs it into Vilain's stomach]
Barney Ross: His name was Billy.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: Respect is everything. Without respect, we are just people. Common, shitty people.
Bill 'The Kid' Timmons: [to Ross]I'm sorry, sir.
Barney Ross: It's not your fault... Now what?
Vilain: We are both fighting men. And I respect that. But fighting men, they don't deserve to be killed like sheep. But, respect... must be taught.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: Now we know where it is. Right. Right.
Hector: Okay. I know what to do.
Vilain: Good, I want the plutonium out in three days.
Hector: Three days?
Vilain: I have people ready to pay four million a kilo now. Three days.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Maggie: [to Ross]If you need me, call me, or I'll kill you.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Barney Ross: [to Maggie's first show of skills]You got guts... No common sense...

Movie: The Expendables 2
Hale Caesar: Great. Just what I need. 50-year-old pizza.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Vilain: Don't challenge me.

Movie: The Expendables 2
Lee Christmas: Hey, I'd hate to break up the bromance. We're twenty seconds late!

Movie: The Expendables 2
Church: Barney Ross.
Barney Ross: What do you want from me, Church?
Church: Not too good in the memory category, are you, Barney? You made me a deal with me. You gave me your word. And you end up blowing up half of Vilena, punching holes and a bowie knife through a fellow CIA agent, even if he was a dirtbag. But what breaks my heart is that you stole $5 million from me. And for all this male pattern badness, I could've put you in the deepest, darkest hole in Gitmo. No sunlight. But I kept you out.
Barney Ross: Great.
Church: Because I knew the day would come when you were gonna pay me back. Today is that day.

Movie: The Expendables 2
[Ross charges in, guns blazing]Vilain: Let's make it more dramatic. [shoots out half the lights]

Movie: The Expendables 2
Barney Ross: [to Maggie after killing Vilain]You know how to carve a turkey?

Movie: The Expendables 2
Hector: [shoots a tired mine worker]Anybody else tired?

Movie: The Expendables 2
Bill 'The Kid' Timmons: How did you do that?

Movie: The Expendables 2