The Crowd Quote

Jen: I've got aunt Irma visiting

Moss: Oh do you not like aunt Irma? Ive got an aunt like that.
[Roy is shaking his head also confused]

Jen: Its my term for my time of the month.

Roy: Oh.

Moss: What time of the month? The weekend?

Jen: [Roy is trying to shut him up] No.

Moss: Does aunt Irma visit on the weekend?

Jen: You know its high tide.

Moss: But We're not on the coast

Roy: Moss!

Jen: I'm Closed for maintenance.

Moss: Closed for maintenance?

Roy: Moss!

Jen: I've fallen to the communists.

Moss: Well they do have some strong arguments.

Roy: [Finally putting it to words] Carrie Moss! First scene in Carrie!

Moss: [Finally Gets it] Ohh... Okay, yap, yap, yep, No, Nope nope yep nope naa aah...
[Walks out of the room]

Movie: The Crowd


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