The Best Man Quotes

Jordan Armstrong: You know, maybe if I had the luxury of getting my a** whooped, I could be calm right now. But I have been drinking tequila shots, my hormones are raging out of control, I'm emotional, I'm horny, and I don't wanna hear about no go*damn peas!

Movie: The Best Man
President Art Hockstader: There have been moments when I have questioned your methods.
Joe Cantwell: Well, you have to fight fire with fire, Mr. President.
President Art Hockstader: And the end justifies the means?
Joe Cantwell: Well, yes, sir. Yes. That is what I believe.
President Art Hockstader: Well, son, I have news for you about both politics and life... and may I say the two are exactly the same thing? There are no ends, Joe, only means...

Movie: The Best Man
T.T. Claypoole: Nice thing about you, Joe, is that you can sound like a liberal, but at heart you're an American

Movie: The Best Man
William Russell: [to reporters] And I am happy, of course, the best man won.

Movie: The Best Man