That '70s Show Quote

[Kelso tries to find food in the Formans' cupboards.]
Donna: Actually, Kelso. You know what really makes you horny? Beets.
Kelso: Yeah, right.
Eric: Nah, it’s true, I saw it on 60 Minutes, man. Beet farmers with like, ten, 15 kids.
Kelso: Man, how’s come everything that’s good for you always tastes so bad? [gets can opener and tries to open can of beets] I’m trying it!
Kitty: [enters kitchen] Michael, honey, don’t eat our beets! [gets can]
Jackie: You know, Michael, Mrs. Forman’s right. You’re horny enough as it is. Sometimes, I wish you had two girlfriends. [gang looks at her]
Kelso: Oh my God, are you serious?
Jackie: What?
Kelso: Nothing!

TV Show: That '70s Show


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