Terror Telly Quotes

Frank Vichtenstein: Now, if I mix these chromosomes with these isotopes and these molecules... [gasp]
Frank Vichtenstein: ... that's... insane! Insane enough to work!

Movie: Terror Telly
Frank Vichtenstein: [Frank Vichtenstein discovers Ug in the woods eating a severed arm]Ug, what are you doing? You don't go around murdering people at night, you're English! It's just not cricket old chap!

Movie: Terror Telly
Frank Vichtenstein: [Ug places a potty on his head]No, that's silly! I shall have no silliness in my laboratory, or I shall be forced to fetch my nucleonic photon destructo-ray!

Movie: Terror Telly
Rupert Wanker: My name is Rupert Wanker. And I am a massive wanker.

Movie: Terror Telly