Ten Tall Men Quotes

[against the advice of his men, Mike agrees to an assignation with his lieutenant's girlfriend]
Cpl. Luis Delgado: Women.
Cpl. Pierre Molier: Women. [two beautiful women stroll past]
Cpl. Luis Delgado, Cpl. Pierre Molier: Women!

Movie: Ten Tall Men
[Mike and Pierre steal a horse from Hussin's camp]
First Riff Warrior: He swallowed the bait, Master.
Second Riff Warrior: They will lead us to Mahla.
Caid Hussin: Follow them, we will be a mile behind you. If they discover your presence, I'll lighten your heavy feet over a slow fire.

Movie: Ten Tall Men
[Mike and Pierre steal a horse from Hussin's camp]
First Riff Warrior: He swallowed the bait, Master.
Second Riff Warrior: They will lead us to Mahla.
Caid Hussin: Follow them, we will be a mile behind you. If they discover your presence, I'll lighten your heavy feet over a slow fire.

Movie: Ten Tall Men