Tales of Terror Quotes

Fortunato: [as the cat that Montresor detests jumps into his lap] My, what a lovely cat!

Movie: Tales of Terror
Montresor Herringbone: Haven't I convinced you of my sincerity yet? I'm genuinely dedicated to your destruction.

Movie: Tales of Terror
[Claudia has defaced Lilli's mother's grave]
Lilli: She knew I would come back. [Stepping out from behind another grave]
Will: Let's not disappoint her then. [Lilli walks towards him, and smiles]

Movie: Tales of Terror
[first title card]
Title Card: The winds of the firmament breathed but one sound within my ears and the ripples upon the sea murmured evermore - Morella /Edgar Allan Poe.

Movie: Tales of Terror
[opening narration]
Narrator: This is the beat of a human heart. Sit very still and listen. Is your heart beating in this same rhythm? You are experiencing the heartbeat of a dying man. And it is with death and dying that we concern ourselves. What happens at the point of death? What happens afterwards? What happens after death to someone who does not choose to stay dead, someone like Morella?

Movie: Tales of Terror
[Lilli is tracing the scars on Will's back. He spins quickly and grabs her wrist]
Will: That's enough! [she reaches up and touches the scar on his face. They kiss, and Lilli smiles]

Movie: Tales of Terror