Star Wars Quotes

General Grievous: [to hostage R2-D2] What secrets do you carry, my little friend?
[R2-D2 responds]

General Grievous: So defiant. No need for fear. We're all droids here. Ha ha ha. Rip this little rat apart, and find out everything he knows!

Movie: Star Wars
Gha Nachkt: [about R2-D2] It contains every Republic formation and strategy they have.

General Grievous: Good work. You certainly earned your fee this time.

Gha Nachkt: More than my fee. This droid is worth more, I get paid more. Now, I suggest...
[Gha Nachkt is surpassed by Grievous' light saber and dies instantaneously]

General Grievous: There is your bonus.

Movie: Star Wars
Narrator: Missing in action! Anakin Skywalker's heroic droid navigator R2-D2 was lost in battle. When a desperate search fails to locate Artoo, Anakin is forced to take on a new navigator, R3-S6. Now the Jedi embark on a dangerous new mission, to find a secret enemy listening post. Meanwhile, R2-D2 has fallen into the hands of a vile droid smuggler and is on his way to General Grievous who will surely plunder the Republic's secrets hidden within him...

Movie: Star Wars
Gha Nachkt: [to R2] Keep moving, grease butt.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: [via hologram] I know you're fond of that droid, but he's fallen into enemy hands.

Anakin Skywalker: I could... rescue R2.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: No. This is not a rescue mission.

Movie: Star Wars
B1 Battle Droid: Take this upstairs. And make sure not to drop it.

Clumsy B1 Battle Droid: [trips and drops the box immediately] Whoa! Ow.

B1 Battle Droid: Those 631s are not the brightest lights on the ship.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: Rex, droid poppers, now!

Movie: Star Wars
General Grievous: They sent a child to destroy my station? The Republic must be running out of Jedi!

Ahsoka Tano: You must be General Grievous.
[the General laughs and coughs]

General Grievous: He's just another Tinnie boys, let's scrap 'em like the rest.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: Sorry to interrupt your playtime, Grumpy, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?

General Grievous: That wouldn't be you.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [to IG-100 Magnaguards] You have something that belongs to me.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: That stubby little back-staber!

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [R2 bleeps a question] R3? Eh, yeah, I had to get a replacement droid. Look, sorry R2...
[R2 bloops]

Anakin Skywalker: It was Obi-Wan's idea! Look, we'll talk about this later.

Movie: Star Wars
Captain Rex: I've got a bad feeling about this, sir.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [about Grievous] Did he tell you your stubby little gold droid pal works for him?

Ahsoka Tano: He... might have mentioned it.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: [via hologram] Oh Anakin, one day...

Movie: Star Wars
Kit Fisto: No guards... that's odd.

Nahdar Vebb: The entrance looks sealed.

Comander Fil: We specialize in making entrances.
[pulls out a thermal detonator]

Nahdar Vebb: [ignites his lightsaber] This will make less noise.

Kit Fisto: Patience, both of you. A second look usually pays off.

Movie: Star Wars
Count Dooku: [via hologram] It's a shame you came so far to be frustrated. While the Viceroy is unavailable for capture, allow me to offer you an alternative prize.

Movie: Star Wars
Kit Fisto: This place looks like a shrine to that strange warrior.

Movie: Star Wars
Nahdar Vebb: [to Grievous] Don't make me destroy you!

Movie: Star Wars
Kit Fisto: Stand firm. There may be worse things here than Grievous.

Comander Fil: [enter Grievous giant pet roggwart] Looks like you're right about that, sir.

Movie: Star Wars
General Grievous: I will rest when the Jedi are dead.

Movie: Star Wars
Kit Fisto: You may have been a proud warrior once, but now you're just a pawn in Dooku's game.

Movie: Star Wars
Narrator: Manhunt! After a long and perilous search, the Jedi finally track down Separatist leader, Count Dooku. During a heroic attempt to capture the Count, Anakin Skywalker has gone missing. Having lost contact with Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi heads towards his friend's last known location, a lone Separatist frigate in the far reaches of the Outer Rim...

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: How come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: When you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan.

Anakin Skywalker: That's just it. How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: At least you're a master? at getting caught.

Movie: Star Wars
Count Dooku: Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: Let's try not to blow up the ship before they get off this time.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: [Obi-Wan's lightsaber has short-circuited] Silly thing. It was just working a minute ago...

Movie: Star Wars
Hondo Ohnaka: [holds up Dooku and Anakin's sabers] Are these what you are looking for... Jedi?

Count Dooku: I am more powerful than any Jedi. Know that you are dealing with a Sith lord.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: So which part of the situation did you have under control? The blocked entrance, or the poison gas, or that gundark behind you?

Movie: Star Wars
Count Dooku: [referring to the Weequay pirates] They are devious and deceitful and most importantly, stupid.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: It's a wonder you don't get along with them, Dooku. You have so much in common.

Movie: Star Wars