St. Vincent Quotes

Brother Geraghty: [Oliver's new Catholic school classmates welcome him, albeit unenthusiastically]Maybe as a 'thank you', you could lead us all in morning prayer.
Oliver: [as the class members bow their heads, he whispers apologetically to the teacher]I think... I think I'm Jewish.
Brother Geraghty: [to Oliver]OK, good to know.
Brother Geraghty: [addressing the whole class]Oliver thinks he's Jewish.
random members of the class: So am I... I'm Buddhist... There is no God... [now everyone speaks at once, sharing their religious preferences]
Brother Geraghty: Yes, you get the idea. We celebrate all the religions of the world in this room, Oliver. I'm a Catholic, which is the best of all the religions, really, because we have the most rules. And the best clothes. But among us, there is also a Buddhist, agnostic, we have a Baptist, and we have a I don't know, which seems to be the fastest growing religion in the world. And now, we have I think I'm Jewish, which is a new one for the class, Oliver, so thanks for that.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: You never seen Abbott and Costello?
Oliver: No, sir. Are they old?
Vincent: No. They're dead. That's the oldest you can be.
Oliver: Or the youngest. Time freezes when you're dead.

Movie: St. Vincent
Daka: My water is broken!
Vincent: Call a plumber.

Movie: St. Vincent
[first lines] Vincent: So this Irish guy knocks on this lady's door and says, you know, Have you got any, uh... Any, uh... work for me? And she says, Um, well, you now, as a matter of fact, you could paint the porch. 'Bout two hours later, the guy comes back and says, I've finished, ma'am, but just for your information, it's not a porch, it's a BMW. [bar patrons stunned]

Movie: St. Vincent
Oliver: What's Vin like when I'm not around?
Daka: [with Russian accent]He don't like people. People don't like him. Except cat, and you. Why you like him?

Movie: St. Vincent
Oliver: He's paying me hourly.
Vincent: I'm showing him how the world works. You work, you get paid, you drink.
Maggie: You're drinking alcohol?
Vincent: ...I honestly don't remember.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: You need to defend yourself, or you get mowed down.
Oliver: I'm small, if you haven't noticed.
Vincent: Yeah, so was Hitler.
Oliver: That's a horrible comparison.
Vincent: Indeed. Making a point, though.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: [to Oliver]Do yourself a favor. Get a life. Stop living mine.

Movie: St. Vincent
Oliver: Is that our new neighbor?
Maggie: Yep.
Oliver: It's gonna be a long life.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: A lady of the night.
Oliver: What's that?
Vincent: It's one of the more honest ways to make a living.

Movie: St. Vincent
Maggie: [about Oliver's book]God, that's depressing.
Oliver: No, it's not. The tree was meant to give, so to be able to give everything and have nothing left is the best life the tree could ever have.
Maggie: Well, your father must think I'm a tree.
Oliver: Why would he think that?
Maggie: Nothing. Nothing.

Movie: St. Vincent
Ocinski: Hey, uh, your dad the one that taught you how to fight?
Oliver: No, my babysitter.

Movie: St. Vincent
Zucko: Come on, Vinny! Why do you always have to do things the hard way?
Vincent: It's more interesting.
Zucko: And a lot more painful.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: Don't ever become a pencil-pusher kid, they're spineless.

Movie: St. Vincent
Oliver: Sorry, Vin, for your loss.
Vincent: Never understood... wh-wh-why people say that.
Oliver: They don't know what else to say.
Vincent: How about, What was she like? Do you miss her? Or What are you gonna do now?

Movie: St. Vincent
Terry: It is what it is.
Vincent: It is what it is? Everyone's saying that now. You know what it means? You're screwed, and you shall remain screwed.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: [answering telephone]Come on, coward, try to sell me something.

Movie: St. Vincent
Judge Reynolds: [at a custody hearing, the judge is asking questions about Oliver's activities with Vin that his mother was unaware of]Daka Paramova... are you aware of her occupation?
Maggie: [whispering, to her attorney]She, she works for Vince.
Maggie: [to Oliver]She works for Vince, right?
Oliver: [whispering to his mother]She's the lady of the night.
Maggie: [astonished, still whispering]What? Do you know what that means?
Oliver: [with total na´vetÚ, trying to be helpful]She works at night?
Maggie: [later, leaving the courthouse, Mom is livid]I guess gambling in a race track is like a Math class, huh? You can learn how to bet?
Oliver: The odds.
Maggie: A bar, I guess that could fall under Current Events, right?
Oliver: [still with complete sincerity and na´vetÚ]More like Social Studies?
Maggie: It's a strip club hooker that I can seem to get my head around.
Oliver: Commerce? Biology?
Maggie: Just stop talking.

Movie: St. Vincent
Vincent: You got any money?
Oliver: Yes sir, $7.
Vincent: What is that, lunch money?
Oliver: Yes sir.
Vincent: Well, you might as well the hard way.

Movie: St. Vincent
Maggie: I thought you ate at Vincent's house.
Oliver: I had sushi.
Maggie: You had sushi?
Oliver: Well, sardines. He calls it sushi. Didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Movie: St. Vincent