South Park Quote

[Stan confronts Cartman at his book signing of "What Happened to My School?", which includes offensive and explicit rumors about Wendy Testaburger, Stan's girlfriend]
Stan: What the hell do you think you're doing?!
Cartman: A book signing.
Stan: I looked through your stupid book! It's 540 pages of ripping on Wendy and calling her a slut!
Cartman: I do not directly say she's a slut!
Stan: [reading from book] "Wendy Testaburger has proven time and time again that she will do anything to pleasure her vagina. Whether it is the school football team or the janitors on their break, Wendy spends her time as president on her knees or on her back taking the old in-out for hours on end!"
Cartman: [leans over the table and points something out to him] You didn't read the rest, dude.
Stan: [reading] "Or does she?"
Cartman: "Or does she?" See, that's a question. I'm asking questions, Stan! I've called for Wendy to come on my show and defend herself, but she won't do it!
Butters: [showing up with his Melvins] Yeah, and she hates Smurfs!
First Boy: [reading from book] "Shouldn't we be worried if our school president is a girl who would rather get her tits licked than go to student council meetings?"
Stan: Hey-hey, stop reading that!
First Boy: Well, what do you mean?
Stan: Listen, just because a guy's voice is on the intercom and his words are in a book doesn't mean he has any idea what he's talking about!
Second Boy: Yes, it does!
Casey Miller: Eric Cartman is simply making it so that all kids take responsibility to question their school leaders. We should all ask if our president is a penis-hungry hooker with a huge vagina. I'm Casey Miller.

TV Show: South Park


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