South Park Quote

[all the 4th-grade boys go to the drugstore]
Male Pharmacist: Can I help you boys?
Stan: Yeah, we need condoms!
Male Pharmacist: Condoms...
Kyle: Yeah, quick!
Male Pharmacist: ...How old are you boys?
Stan: Why does that matter?
Butters: I'll be 9 next week!
Male Pharmacist: Sorry, kids, I'm not selling you condoms.
Kyle: Why not?! You want us to get AIDS?
Male Pharmacist: I just don't think kids your age should--
Female Pharmacist: Mark, we have to be willing to supply condoms to anyone who requests them.
Male Pharmacist: But...they're children!
Female Pharmacist: Would you rather them do it unprotected?
Cartman: Yeah, you want us unprotected, you asshole?
Male Pharmacist: I just think all this sex-ed and condom talk in elementary school is wrong!
Female Pharmacist: Kids are going to do what they do, and it's up to us to make sure they're protected.
Stan: Jeez, I'm glad this lady's on our side.
Male Pharmacist: I don't even think we'll have any that fit them!
Female Pharmacist: Sure we do. We just got in the new Gladiators for kids: Lil' Minis! They're specially designed for kids under 10, and they're only $5.95 for a pack of 50.
Butters: 50?! Oh, can't we just use the same one every day?!
Female Pharmacist: No, you have to change them.
Kyle: Oh jeez, we're gonna have to buy tons of these things!

TV Show: South Park


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