Smallville Quote

Chloe: Come on, Clark. Pick up the pace-- somewhere between a brisk walk and super speed. The star witness testifies in fifteen minutes.
Clark: Not that I mind being your "Boy Friday" and all, but I don't understand why you need an escort.
Chloe: I don't. I just thought a nice little field trip to the courthouse might help reignite that journalism spark.
Clark: I hate to break it [Chloe gives Clark a press pass] to you, but my ace-reporter days ended when I left The Torch.
Chloe: All right, then consider it a much needed get-off-the-farm pass. Look, Clark, I know this has been the year from hell -- and that was before you broke up with Lana. There are only so many days you can hole yourself up in that loft before I pull an intervention.
Clark: I am not holed up. It's just... ever since I found out Lionel knows my secret I've been waiting for a bomb to go off.
Chloe: Well, don't duck and cover just yet. For all we know, he may never even light the fuse.
Clark: This is Lionel Luthor we're talking about.

TV Show: Smallville


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