Smallville Quote

Lex: Dr. Litvack told me the odds of survival I had going into surgery. Pretty reckless roll of the dice, don't you think?
Lionel: On the contrary, son. What I did may appear callous, but opting for my son to have surgery was a deliberate decision.
Lex: But it wasn't your decision to make, was it? You went against the doctors' advice not because you wanted to save me, but because you couldn't bear having a cripple for a son.
Lionel: You may hate me for taking the risk, but I had to make a choice. And you're alive, and you can walk. I had to give you that chance.
Lex: And what if I hadn't made it? How would you have justified your decision then? How dare you play God with my life.

TV Show: Smallville


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