Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Quotes

Announcer: Sergeant Preston of the Northwest Mounted Police with Yukon King, swiftest and strongest lead dog breaking the trail in the relentless pursuit of lawbreakers, in the wild days of the Yukon. Back to the days of the Gold Rush, as Sergeant Preston, with his wonder dog, Yukon King, meets the challenge of the Yukon. [map of Yukon Territory appears on screen]
Announcer: This is the Yukon . . .

TV Show: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
Jim Masters: I have a right to ask. Whitey stole my poke!
Sgt. Preston: Have you got proof of that statement, Masters?
Jim Masters: I've got Mr. Barton's word for it. That's enough for me.
Sgt. Preston: Well, it's not good enough for the law, Masters. According to the law, a man is innocent until proven guilty. If Whitey's guilty, he'll be punished according to the law, not by any kangaroo court. That's my job. [Addresses crowd]
Sgt. Preston: Now, all of you go home. I'll be around later to talk to you.

TV Show: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
Rafe: [Dictates to Sergeant Preston] Address it to Miss Lillian Russell, Hotel Astor, New York City.
Sgt. Preston: [Addresses letter] Rafe, do you really know Lillian Russell?
Rafe: No, uh, but once I saw her picture in a Police Gazette!
Sgt. Preston: [Finishes writing] Well, here you are, Rafe. All set to mail to Miss Russell.
Rafe: Thanks a lot, sergeant. As soon as I get another $10,000 in my poke, I'm gonna learn to read and write for myself!

TV Show: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
Sgt. Preston: Well, King, this case is closed.

TV Show: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon